Public Participation

It’s All About You!

A transportation system should be planned and designed to serve the people who use it. To that end, COMPASS sought and incorporated input from YOU — transportation users and stakeholders — throughout the development of Communities in Motion 2050 (CIM 2050). From large-scale surveys to in-depth discussion groups to comments on proposed projects, your time, insight, and wisdom helped make this plan your plan. Thank you.

The Wisdom of Crowds

COMPASS used three public surveys — one each in 2019, 2020, and 2021 — to gather public opinion on topics that would lay the foundation for CIM 2050. The surveys received a combined total of over 18,500 responses.

Screenshot of the "A Lot Can Change in 30 Years" survey conducted in the fall of 2019.


A Lot Can Change in 30 Years

COMPASS kicked off public input into CIM 2050 with the A Lot Can Change in 30 Years survey in fall 2019. The survey sought people’s opinions regarding future housing, transportation, and quality of life preferences. Survey results fed into two subsequent surveys as well as CIM 2050 itself.


FOCUS AREA: How do I see myself living in 30 years?



  • Concern over rising costs
  • Preference for single-family homes in suburban-type neighborhoods


  • Preference for driving ourselves; support for rail
  • Cautiousness about new transportation technologies

Quality of Life

  • Desire for access to nature for recreation
  • Concern over impacts of growth
  • Support for technology to grow more food on less land
  • Foresee increasingly flexible work arrangements
Screenshot of the "Where Do We Grow From Here?" survey conducted in the summer of 2020.


Where Do We Grow From Here?

The Where Do We Grow From Here? survey, conducted in summer 2020, focused on values and four potential “growth scenarios” for Ada and Canyon Counties, developed based on the results from the A Lot Can Change in 30 Years survey. Results shaped the CIM 2050 Vision, as well as CIM 2050 goals and implementation strategies.


FOCUS AREAS: Values, growth scenarios, implementation strategies



  • Regard for managing growth, affordability, environmental health, outdoor lifestyle, economic vitality

Growth Scenarios

  • Preference for growth scenarios that focus on more compact growth and transportation options, particularly transit

Implementation Strategies

  • Strongest support for fiscal impact policies, open-space levies, and strategies that better manage transportation
Screenshot of the "All Aboard! Exploring Transit Options for the Treasure Valley" survey conducted in early 2021.


All Aboard! Exploring Transit Options for the Treasure Valley

In early 2021, the third and final survey, All Aboard!, dove deeper into public support for future high-capacity transit expressed in the first two surveys. Results were used to identify a locally favored alignment (route) and mode for potential future high-capacity transit — “regional rail” along the Boise Cutoff alignment (parallel to the existing Union Pacific rail line) from Caldwell to Boise. That potential future service is incorporated into the CIM 2050 Vision and the future public transportation system.


FOCUS AREAS: High-capacity transit preferences, tradeoffs, and destinations


  • Willingness to use high-capacity transit if it meets needs
  • Service must be convenient, frequent, and reliable with ample and well-placed stops
  • Support for investment in a quality system, even at a higher cost
  • Would primarily be used for work, school, or a night out

A Deep Dive

To complement the surveys’ input from a broad cross-section of residents and stakeholders, COMPASS invited local stakeholders and experts to share their knowledge through small in-depth discussion groups on three specific topics: transportation safety, travel and tourism, and growth and development. Each discussion group identified and ranked challenges and solutions specific to its topic. In addition to being reflected in each of the topical areas in the plan, proposed solutions are also reflected in strategies and priority projects.

A Changing Landscape

While COMPASS was developing CIM 2050, we were simultaneously implementing CIM 2040 2.0, adopted in December 2018, including working to fund CIM 2040 2.0 unfunded priorities. As opportunities arose to fund previously unfunded projects, we asked for your input before acting on them. Ultimately, CIM 2040 2.0 was amended 10 times, slowly moving the needle toward the future planned transportation system.

A Draft Plan

COMPASS solicited feedback on the draft plan September 16 through October 16, 2022. Additional projects were proposed for funding in the plan after the public comment period ended; COMPASS solicited public comment on those proposed projects from October 25 through November 8, 2022. COMPASS reviewed and responded to feedback and incorporated changes as appropriate.

How We Reached Out

COMPASS promoted the opportunity to comment throughout Ada and Canyon Counties in English and Spanish via:

  • Newspaper ads

  • Email blasts

  • Social Media

  • Flyers

  • Radio ads – local and streaming

  • Presentations – in person and online

  • Popup banner ads

  • Word of mouth

In addition, COMPASS provided comment materials at 20 libraries and other public buildings throughout the Treasure Valley and held open houses in Nampa and Boise to provide the opportunity to view materials and ask questions in person.

What You Told Us

Forty-four individuals and agencies reviewed the draft plan and provided feedback during the public comment period; an additional 14 individuals provided feedback on the proposed additional funded projects. During the comment period on the draft plan, we asked specific questions regarding plan goals, policies, and priorities. This is what you said:

Do you agree with the plan's goals and objectives?
Do you agree with the policies to implement the plan?

While responses varied widely, most showed support for the plan goals (82% strongly agree/agree), policies (66% strongly agree/agree), and project priorities (average 56% strongly agree/agree). Note that many individuals submitted open-ended responses only, so are not captured in these quantitative results. 

Additionally, most respondents provided open-ended comments, which varied widely, from expressing strong support to strong opposition to various aspects of the plan, and from very general to very specific.

Do you agree with the identified transportation priorities?

All comments were reviewed and considered by COMPASS staff, shared with COMPASS’ Regional Transportation Advisory Committee (RTAC) and Board of Directors, and forwarded to specific COMPASS member agencies when appropriate. Answers to questions and changes made to the plan based on feedback were noted in the response to comments document below and shared with RTAC and the COMPASS Board of Directors prior to action to adopt the plan.

Open-ended responses

Public comment on draft Communities in Motion 2050 plan

September 16 – October 16, 2022

Open-ended responses

Public comment on proposed additional funded projects

October 25 – November 8, 2022

Dive deeper into Communities in Motion 2050 public participation activities and feedback we received.