“Freight” doesn’t really impact me, does it? Isn’t it just about factories and 18-wheelers?
Actually, freight does impact you. Without freight, our grocery store shelves are empty, our farmers can’t get their produce to market, and that “must have” item you just ordered online can’t get to your front door.
A quality transportation system supports you and our economy by moving goods from farms and factories to stores, restaurants, and your front door.
Freight Vehicles Are Everywhere
COMPASS’ Complete Network Policy describes how the transportation system can support all users by emphasizing different modes on different corridors to provide quality accessibility and mobility for everyone. Some corridors are intended to specifically serve freight—they allow freight vehicles to move efficiently and reliably through the transportation system while enabling other corridors with fewer freight vehicles to focus on other modes. However, the ever-increasing number of freight deliveries in our residential neighborhoods means that transportation planning must consider freight in all locations to ensure safety for all users of the transportation system.
Planning for Freight
Managing congestion and providing consistent travel times—even if those times are slowed by congestion—impact how well freight vehicles can move through the valley. These are impacted by a multitude of factors, from surrounding land uses to signal timing to the number of driveways and cross streets that provide access to the roadway.
Freight needs and deficiencies were identified by COMPASS’ Freight Advisory Workgroup and included in improvement projects that were evaluated and prioritized for funding and implementation as part of overall transportation system improvements. The identified solutions will also inform land use and development decisions adjacent to freight corridors and industrial areas.
Freight and Communities in Motion 2050 Goals
Appropriate planning for freight is key to supporting Communities in Motion 2050‘s four goal areas: